6th September 2023, Southampton, Callroute donate surplus and unused IT equipment to support the local community suffering with homelessness and mental health difficulties.
Callroute have donated surplus, unused, and broken IT equipment to Jamie’s Computers, a professional and ethical IT recycling service. These donations will be reused, recycled, and upcycled to Microsoft standards where possible.
Profits are fed directly into their charity, The Society of St James, who help a range of people in the Hampshire community suffering with homelessness, mental health difficulties, substance abuse and/or alcohol addiction.
Their services focus on not only giving people a roof over their head but addressing the issues that led to them becoming homeless. Jamie also supports the community with volunteering opportunities to prepare them for future careers in real business environments.
And if that was not enough, the charity has enabled Callroute to reduce their carbon footprint thanks to the ethical recycling scheme which ensures no wastage goes to landfill.
Ewan Haig, Chief Executive Officer at Callroute, said “We chose to support The Society of St James due to their ethics and social impact.
“Jamie’s ensures Callroute’s unused and damaged equipment is refurbished, reused, and where needed, recycled. 100% of the profits are fed back into The Society of St James charity.
“I am delighted to further reduce Callroute’s carbon footprint while driving a positive change within the community.”
Callroute have donated a range of equipment from disks, network cables, battery cells, phones, monitors and laptops and plan to continue their partnership with the charity in the future to ethically recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts.