Your self-service platform to connect any carrier, in any country to Microsoft Teams. We put number management, policy management, and PSTN connections into a single portal.

Branding Guidelines

Welcome to our hub for partner guidelines and assets. We want to simplify the usage of our logo and branding.

By using this guides on this page, please ensure that you’re using the Callroute logo and name correctly.

Please download our logo kit using the button below.

Our Logo

We have 2 versions of our full color logo, inline (preferred) and stacked.

Your self-service platform to connect any carrier, in any country to Microsoft Teams. We put number management, policy management, and PSTN connections into a single portal.

Logo Clearspace

The logo and the icon clearspace is equal to the size of the letter ‘l’ marked as x in the diagram.

Minimum Size

The minimum size of our logo on digital screens is 95px wide and for digital print, 25mm wide.

Your self-service platform to connect any carrier, in any country to Microsoft Teams. We put number management, policy management, and PSTN connections into a single portal.
95px wide
Your self-service platform to connect any carrier, in any country to Microsoft Teams. We put number management, policy management, and PSTN connections into a single portal.
25mm wide

Logo Contrast

The Callroute logo must be on either white or dark blue backgrounds.

Your self-service platform to connect any carrier, in any country to Microsoft Teams. We put number management, policy management, and PSTN connections into a single portal.
Callroute to connect Microsoft Teams to PBXs and call carriers

Do not

Our Name

When using our name in your online or offline content please ensure that you format it correctly.



Call Route


Web Colors

Callroute Dark Blue


Callroute Mint


Callroute Blue


Callroute Violet


Callroute Purple


Callroute Dark Purple


Callroute Indigo


Callroute Dark Grey


Callroute Light Grey


Callroute Black


Print Colors (CYMK)

Callroute Dark Blue

100, 99, 29, 32

Callroute Mint

63, 8, 20, 0

Callroute Blue

76, 12, 0, 0

Callroute Violet

33, 100, 0, 0

Callroute Purple

74, 96, 0, 0

Callroute Dark Purple

74, 89, 0, 0

Callroute Indigo

66, 77, 0, 0

Callroute Dark Grey

59, 51, 50, 20

Callroute Light Grey

30, 24, 24, 00

Callroute Black

75, 75, 63, 62

Lozenges, Discs & Donuts

Please follow the below guidance for creating any of our lozenges, discs, and donut graphics

Discs must be a solid color. Never a gradient.

Donuts must be a solid color with a white interior. Never transparent.

Lozenges can be gradient 90 degree orientation and 50% or solid colors and rectangle shape with full rounded sides.


Nunito Sans is our typeface. Callroute uses Nunito Sans in all online and offline materials.

Nunito Sans

Nunito Sans Normal (400)



Nunito Sans Semi-Bold (600)



Nunito Sans Bold (700)



Orto for Teams

Our Orto for Teams product uses the same design principles as our main Callroute brand.

Orto for Microsoft Teams automated provisioning


Automatic provisioning for Microsoft Teams


Minimum Size

The minimum size of our logo on digital screens is 70px wide and for digital print, 18mm wide.

Orto for Microsoft Teams automated provisioning
70px wide
Orto for Microsoft Teams automated provisioning
18mm wide


Web Colors

Orto Navy


Orto Dark Teal


Orto Teal


Orto Turquoise


Orto Blue


Orto Lilac


Orto Dark Grey


Orto Light Grey


Orto Black


Print Colors (CYMK)

Orto Navy

100, 90, 51, 76

Orto Dark Teal

83, 38, 40, 25

Orto Teal

71, 9, 20, 0

Orto Turquoise

66, 0, 27, 0

Orto Blue

56, 0, 11, 0

Orto Lilac

20, 36, 0, 0

Orto Dark Grey

59, 51, 50, 20

Orto Light Grey

6, 4, 5, 0

Orto Black

93, 81, 57, 85

Lozenges, Discs & Donuts

Please follow the below guidance for creating any of our lozenges, discs, and donut graphics

Discs must be a solid color. Never a gradient.

Donuts must be a solid color with a white interior. Never transparent.

Lozenges can be gradient 90 degree orientation and 50% or solid colors and rectangle shape with full rounded sides.


Nunito Sans is our typeface. Orto for Teams uses Nunito Sans in all online and offline materials.

Nunito Sans

Nunito Sans Normal (400)



Nunito Sans Semi-Bold (600)



Nunito Sans Bold (700)



Intermittent Microsoft Teams calling issues reported globally. This issue appears to be affecting all Microsoft customers worldwide. Microsoft are currently investigating the issue. All Callroute systems are fully operational. More information will be provided as soon as possible.